Friday, March 29, 2024

living calm and peacefully.

Now is the time for me to rest. After so many years of challenges, recoveries and blessings the time for me to rest and soak in the blessings I've received has come. Through hard works and sacrifice my life has become one of comfor filled with peace, love and joy. There may be more to come to overcome and more victories and losses. Such is life. But to move forward with a positive mind and faithful heart may blessings continue to find us all. 

Monday, May 8, 2023

3 months in US at Stanford for medical.

After my previous trip to the US for Radio frequency ablationon on my Lumbar I returned to the Philippines only for my pain to return as they missed the nerves on the right side. I spent most of 3 months in bed or in a recliner in pain before I returned to the US for more treatment in March. Unfortunately after a few days in the US I got Covid and then had to postpone my treatment and reschedule which pushed back my treatment another month making my two months stay a 3 month stay. During my evaluations at Stanford it was decided I needed 8 procedures over 4 weeks. First I had to do a month of physical therapy and walking a few miles a day to build the muscle I had lost while in bed for three months. This required me to take pain medication to cope. Something unavailable in the Philippines. This really helped but I can not take this regularly as it's addictive and not good for my liver. 

Next I did the phollowing procedures. 
1. Remove Stem Router from Rt Shoulder. It was no longer needed after 5 years and causing me discomfort. 
2. 1st of three trigger point injections procedures from my neck to my lumbar. 
3. 1dt of 2 Radio Frequency Ablationon on my Lumbar. 
4. 2nd Trigger Point Injection procedure.  
5. 2nd Radio Frequency Ablationon on my Lumbar. 
6. Extract wisdom tooth and a bone graph. 
7. 3rd Trigger Point Injection procedure.
8. The grand finale was 6 days in Stanford for Ketamine infusion therapy. This was uncomfortable but I had incredible nurses. One I nicknamed Ninja Nurse. 

My trip was definitely challenging due to securing housing as my stay was extended over a month. But I located a Airbnb that was a care home previously and had rooms and a bathroom available for disabled. The owner was also very helpful as she was a professional Caregiver and she often gave me rides to and from the hospital. I definitely was surrounded by Angels.  

On May 5th I arrived back in the Philippines and on the 8th I resumed my daily walks. 2.1 miles and I get a mile more in by the end of the day. My goal now is to lose much weight to reduce the pressure on my back. I lost 20 lbs walking my 2nd month in the US. The 3rd month I maintained the weigh loss as I was resting from my procedures throughout the month and only walking a mile plus a day when I walked. 

So now I'm Pain free and yesterday I got my oral surgery stitches out. So things are looking good moving forward. 

My entire time back in the US was a little stressful. The politics, crime, homeless issues and mentally ill issues was very common to see. I noticed people were not as friendly also. So I can't tell you how relieved I was when I landed back in Davao. All the stress and anxiety of what I had to deal with in the US was gone and I found myself very happy. I'm not sure how much longer I'll stay here in the Philippines this time but if I had to decide today I'd say hopefully for years. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Back in US in February 2023

My time back in the US after the Covid lockdowns and flight restrictions. I was finally able to get some medical done back in July and August and return to the Philippines.

I returned to the US in February in much pain. I had plans to take care of some more pressing health issues in February but I got Covid within a few days of my arrival to Palo Alto Calif. I had just completed all my evaluations and got my clearances to get things taken care of. But with my health issue everything got pushed out several weeks longer than what was planned. So I got a strong pain relief rx to hold me over that I could not get back in the Philippines when I was there. That was a life saver. But now I'm in a holding pattern until March 31st. At that time I’ll start 4 weeks of procedures to resolve my issues at hand. 

I decided to use this time to exercise more and focus more on a healthy diet. Even with the rain I find a way to endure it and get out and exercise when it's not so heavy. I've basically gone on a total improve my health venture. I lost 12 lbs the first month. im shooting for another 12 this month. I hope to keep that trend going. 

Thankfully after all these years I have a few friends to offer support that are still in California. Im down to just a single family member. The few others are on their own trip and that's ok. Everyone has their own shit to deal with I guess. 

I'm now at the age where it's most important to make sure I have people I can trust and depend on should I ever need assistance as I am disabled. I have a Home and a Partner who is very kind. She’s amazing. My insurances are in place and solid. I'll need to get a long term health policy when I return to the Philippines. I honestly dont know if I should make the Philippines a long term plan or shoot back to the US full time in the near future? My concern about life in the US full time is the cost of living. Aside from that it does offer the healthcare I need. Life is good but it's definitely challenging at times.  Each day is a Gift. Eat taco's.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Life in the Philippines is tuff. 09-20-20

Here I am since Covid lockdown started in Davao City. What I thought would be a fun experience and not to challenging has been full of challenges when It comes to my healthcare. I'm surving ok. Wife is happy. Finding my needed meds has not been dificult or too costly. The real challenge is getting the Maintenance procedures I require to manage my pain. Radio Frequency Ablation and Ketomine Infusion are not available to me here and I'm due for both. But getting my treatments in March should be ok as we expect to be able to fly back to SFO by then. We had planned much sooner but due to Covid our flights home were canceled. The lockdown is about over here but we're still required to wear masks and in some places face shields. The thing I find most dificult in this country is no sidewalks and few places have ramps for handicapped access. I don't tolerate heat well so unless I'm poolside or somewhere with air-conditioning or a fan I'm sweating buckeys. For me I sweat more than normal folks due to my inability to regulate my body heat naturally since the my injuries effected both that part of my brain the controls my bodys natural response to cope  also I find It's dificult for me to walk on uneven ground and rocky roads or dirt pathways but I'm managing. My advice to other disabled folks whom desire to travel to 3rd world countries is don't unless you are willing to battle the challenges and suffer the consequences. All medical services here require cash. If you don't have a good support network of friends and or family you will find it very dificult to feel safe and comfortable. I am blessed for the most part but I do look forward to getting back to the states to get my pain management treatments and general health check up and meds. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Nov 21 2019 Philippines

Fat and happy in Catalunan Grande in the Philippines.
After spending the last year recovering from the loss of my father in January 2019 and fine tuning my care plan at Stanford in Emeryville and Redwood City, I finally got the courage to take a leap of faith. After realizing I have now had a total of 70 operations and procedures to date Its time for me to try to live a better quality of life.

Recently my wife Dolly and I decided to move out of California knowing I may be required to travel far to return to Stanford if the care I required was not available wherever we decided to retire too. We looked at every state in the nation and we traveled accross several looking seriously at options. In the end we decided on Treasure Valley Idaho. We loved how clean it was and the affordable cost of living as well as the low crime. But just prior to our move we decided to return to my wife's Homeland in the Southern Philippines and look at retirement options there as well. Once we did we both fell in love with the idea and found a home that would more than meet our needs and we made the move. Now here for 3 months were starting to settle in. We both made a trip back to the States to get a few more items we felt we needed here and to visit our newly born first Grandson. 

My Wife has invested in and opened a few small businesses in hopes to create a income for herself. 

So how has this all effected my health? Well the best news is much of my pain issues were addressed before we moved even though I was hospitalized a few times over the last years. But since we moved here to the Philippines my pain has been minimal. It may be the tropical climate. Unfortunately, I have developed an infection in my lungs that I am having a hell of a time beating. It's mild now but it was very bad for a few weeks. I'm still on antibiotics and a rescue inhaler as I continue to fight this issue. I'm bloated from the steroids. I hope I can beat this and lose some serious weight soon. 

What's next? Well I'm scheduled to return to the US on Dec 12th. If I do make this trip I most likely will see my Doctor's for a few pain management procedures for my back and possibly remove a implant from my shoulders as I no longer need it. After, I will hire a crew to load our things into a uhaul that are still in our home in the bay area. I will see to it these things make it to storage in Treasure Valley Idaho so that when we do decide to find a 2nd home there everything will already be there. I will then fly back to the Philippines to relax and spend some quality time with my wife and family. At some point we will get a second home in Idaho to use as a vacation home and if I do need a higher level of medical care as time goes on I will most likely move back to the States and spend my final years in Idaho as a free man in a great country. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Aug 2018 it continues

I have been unable to log in and post on our blog for some time now. I am now up to 58 procedures. Wow. I have had 4 radio frequency pulse Procedures with great success to my back. No back pain sure is a blessing. I also had a block done on my rt shoulder and a stim router implant on my rt shoulder last week. That works good also. I turn it on and my rt shoulder pain is gone. I have developed a large swollen lymphnode in my right armpit since my surgery last week. If it does not go away in a week I will have to get a ultrasound to try to identify what is causing this. Praying.

Prior to my implant I was hospitalized as I had a migraine with left side numbness. Thankfully I recovered well. But only after cat scans. MRI's and a spinal tap. While in the hospital I was given some meds. Shortly after I started taking them I developed tremors. A week after being discharged I tried not taking the med they gave me to prevent future migraines and my tremors stopped within 12 hours. I had taken topomac for 14 1/2 years. I had been off it for 6 months. I never would have thought when I was put back on it I would develop tremors. What a rotten side effect surprise.

Tomorrow morning Dolly will take me to Stanford to start my first Lidocaine infusion therapy. If I respond well I will continue this therapy monthly. This is to help reduce my chronic pain. It is like pushing a reset button calming my nerves and their hyper sensitivity due to 15 years of pain. So we are praying for a successful outcome.

My pain in my sternum and right clavicle has grown much over the last 6 months. Last month I had ultrasound guided injections to try to reduce my pain but it was not successful. So I am hopefull the Lidocaine infusion therapy will work to calm and reduce that pain. If it does I will be the happiest guy in the world.

Dolly and I have a planned Vacation to Idaho and Calgary Canada. If all goes well. We leave next week.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

A year since my last post

My blogger app crashed so I have been unable to make new entries until now. My time has been spent resting and not being very active. I had my 50th procedure early in 2017. I had to have a nerve block in my lumbar region. I also had a surgery to my rt clavicle. A little of it was removed as it was very arthritic and brittle and causing me much pain. This being a cadaver bone that's been in place for 15 years now along with some synthetic bonding material. After the procedure I began feeling Bette for 7 months. Then the pain started to return in my clavicle at the sternum clavicular joint and my rt shoulder. I have gone without pain medication all this time until this month. I need to return to the Stanford pain management center and ask about getting another radio frequency ablation soon. I was told I could get these as needed as often as every 4 months. However it's not been in my budget to travel and get this done over the last year. The migraines and neck pain have also returned due to the stress I'm sure. I have had little ability to do much and my body is feeling the stress but my positive attitude and faith keep me going. I have had little to no interest in hanging with friends and simply find my joy being with my family. I have spent much time visiting with my Dad on short vacations or simply taking him to do his grocery shopping or out for a meal. Dolly has been a trooper being supportive of me while I have struggled to be much of a husband due to my recurring health issues in June of 2017 I had to go on high blood pressure medication and go through a cardio stress test and more. I had developed a tachacardic heart rate so they gave me a few pills for that.

Some good news. My daughters husband Kenneth has joined us in Dec 2017 as he finally got his Immigration visa  approved. He's fun to have around and made our daughter happy. Looks like we have big plans for 2018 but I will share more as that develops later. My lovely wife Dolly has Ben sick with this years flu bug. Some how I got lucky and I only got mildly sick. Dolly is on the mend so I hope to spend more quality time with her soon. Our boys moved to LA and they are still there a year later. Wow. That's it for now. Ciao.